

Lord, forgive me for all my sins and transgressions, my iniquity and selfishness, my evil thoughts and lusts. Pour out your grace and mercy upon me. I wash myself inside and out with the precious blood of Jesus, shed on Calvary for the whole world.

Lord, according to Your Word, I sow and plant all hatred, bigotry, veiled abuse, bad feeling, persecution against me and mine by others known and unknown.

Father, in the precious Name of Jesus, right now, I sow these as seed in the kingdom of God. I forgive all the negative actions and thoughts. I release them.

I lift each one of them up to You, including all those that I have witnessed to about You. I pray for those people, their families and their businesses. I pray, Father, that they will come to a greater knowledge of You through Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour.

I pray for all those who are in bondage of cults, secret societies, ignorance and bigotry. I pray, that they be saved on the day of the Lord.

Now, I declare before You, my God and Father in heaven, that I do expect a reward. I believe Your Word and by faith I set my sickle to my harvest. I believe I receive a hundredfold return for every negative deed done to me and every penny stolen from me either through non-payment of debts or actual theft. I expect to receive a blessing of equal benefit. I claim it. It’s mine and I have it now in Jesus’ mighty name, AMEN.